Dr. Kristian Henderson | BLK+GRN

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Age || 32

Company Name || BLK + GRN

Job Title ||  Founder 

Social Handles || @blkanddgrn

Company Website || BLK + GRN

What did you want to be while growing up and what made you interested in starting your company?

I wanted to be a doctor. I grew up in Arkansas and I was a pretty smart kid in class. I was trying to find a career that I thought was well paying. So I was deciding between a Doctor and a Lawyer. I figured I was smart enough to do either one of those things. I chose to be a Doctor instead of a Lawyer not because of the fact that I really liked science but because there was something about health I really liked. I tried to do the Doctor path and then I was sitting in my biology class one day and I remember thinking there's no way I can do this like I don't like it this practical. So I remember thinking what else can you do with health. After I hopped on my computer and started Googling it around I found public health and I was like okay maybe this is better for me than just actually being a doctor. So I found the public health field that way and I started taking classes that were more with health and services than just the traditional science classes and I realized I really like public health. So I got a Masters in public health and then a Doctor's degree in public health. Public health became more of my thing and I feel like my business is kind of a public health business still because I understood the ingredients and how constantly exposing your body these negative ingredients and I understood how it was building up (in your system). Black women did not know this and so they were introducing all these factors into their body and into their life. So I started buying green with the purpose of just trying to create a better environment to give them the access to better products. 

What’s the best piece of advice you were given when you were starting your company?

I don’t know if it was a piece of advice I was given but a piece of advice I would give to someone is always follow your heart, do things that you're actually passionate about. I never started liking BLK+GRN to make money. I really don't know if I would have started it if money was my goal. I was very passionate about trying to get people to use healthier products. So that part gave me the passion, gave me joy and gave me interest. So I always think it's important for people to find your interest, find the thing that gives you joy. Like what is your genius? Everyone has some genius inside of them you're trying to figure out exactly what it is and make sure you try to build your idea around that genius. 

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

How do you define success?

I mean that it really depends on how you set your goals. So my goals and my way that I define success is the more women I can have that are using non-toxic products. So to me every woman I get and every new customer I get that is success to me.Then every time she comes back and if she becomes a lifetime customer that is successful to me. Basically I want to help—my version of success is us not buying the products that are marketed to us that are full of toxic ingredients and that's been conscious enough to get better products and then our health starting to look better. So if I can see some trends that everyone who uses BLK+GRN products have better health outcomes that would be amazing.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned since starting out?

I would probably say the most important thing is knowing yourself well. Knowing what you do really well and knowing what’s your magic and your genius. Also knowing where you need to get help. So I think learning that has been a journey for me and figuring out exactly what can I do good and then what can other people do even better than me and recognized me and other people working for me if I feel like they weren't working in their magic area and so I remember having a conversation with my team and it's like oh you're doing this but you don't really seem happy. Do you like this? Then I mean I guess it's hard to admit to your quote unquote person you're working for that you actually don't like what you're doing. But if I am asking you so if you don't like what you're doing I can figure out how to restructure it. I really feel strongly that people should always be aligned in their magic. I don't like wasting people's time if they aren't aligned with their magic and then you should always be aligned with your magic. So people running a business should be aligned with their magic and don't waste your time doing things that other people can do.

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Do you have a personal motto?

 The one I came up with I don't know when either like four years ago, I say be happy, be healthy, be free. That's like my thing.

Which women inspire you?

Michelle Obama! I mean it's probably known as to why Michelle Obama. A new person that's inspiring me now is Harriet Tubman because I have a traumatic brain injury and she also had a traumatic brain injury so seeing what she was able to accomplish even with the TBI is  something that I find really inspiring.

How do you overcome moments of self-doubt?

Yeah that this has been happening more recently because of my car accident and so the way I've been handling it is I have created a folder in my email. That I just say like positive comments and whenever I'm feeling down on myself I will go read a positive email that a customer has sent me. It reminds me of my why. So whenever she sends me something or someone says something like I'm so happy you made this it has helped me so much, that helps me feel better and I am so happy hearing the voice of people saying yes you really are making a difference. Because sometimes it's just like I think I'm helping people but I'm not sure from actually helping them. So seeing those words really helps me!

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

Courtesy of BLK + GRN.

What has been the most rewarding thing since starting out?

Anytime I get a customer who tells me that we helped them in some way that gives me so much joy because that's why I did it. Also talking to our artisans that say because I was thinking about making that product because you came and bought it and that really helped me be successful. So that always makes me feel good too like I am helping entrepreneurs do their thing by buying their stuff in bulk.

How do you handle situations where you feel overwhelmed?

It is so funny my answer used to be I would go to Yoga. But because of my current conditions I can't go to Yoga and I've tried to do yoga online and it's not the same for me. I am actually also a Yoga teacher. If I'm feeling overwhelmed sometimes I journal, that's a new habit I'm trying to pick up. Whenever I have a lot of emotions going on I writing them down because sometimes going and getting them out is the first I was trying to release them. Also I think therapy is really important!

What are some of your goals moving forward for your company?

My biggest goal right now is to never have products out of stock on the site again. 

Sarah Fielding