Blair Paysinger and Juana Williams

Courtesy of Post 21.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Ages || Blair, 30; Juana, 57

Company Name || Post 21

Job Titles ||  Blair, Creator; Juana, Co-founder

Company Start Date ||  6/1/2020

Social Handles || @post21shop

Company Website ||  Post 21

What did you want to be while growing up?  

Blair: Artist

Juana: News Anchor

What made you interested in starting Post 21?

Frustration over not being able to easily find black-owned brands, and knowing we were not the only ones experiencing this frustration. We also had a desire to support these brands beyond being a customer. A retail space that solely focused on black-owned brands was so necessary. Additionally, we were both searching for what to do.  Juana, was looking for what would be the next chapter after she retired from her career as a Strategist in Enterprise Software. Blair was looking to find her passion, how she wanted to share her talents.

How has the brand evolved since you started out? 

We just launched 2 months ago, so can’t say there’s been a lot of evolution. However, we have certainly grown at a much faster pace than we expected.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Courtesy of Post 21.

What’s the best piece of advice you were given when beginning Post 21?

This could easily become a passion project, you have to remain focused on profitability as well.

Could you discuss the message behind the name Post 21?

On May 31st, 1921 the Greenwood District of Tulsa Oklahoma was attacked and burned to the ground. This area was filled with prosperous African Americans, they owned blocks and blocks of thriving businesses. Our name, Post 21 refers to today, a time that is post 1921. We have positioned ourselves and are ready to assist black businesses in thriving, while paying homage to the entrepreneurs before us.

How do you define success?

Post 21 will be a success when it is repeatedly helping to build black owned businesses that thrive, and assisting new black owned businesses in a supportive cycle.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Courtesy of Post 21.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned as business owners?

Blair: The need to handle everything requires the ability to move in and out of tasks and topics and keep things moving forward.

Juana: Always listen, there is so much to learn.

What is it like working together as a mother-daughter team?

Blair: I think I totally underestimated what I was getting myself into, related to the mother/daughter dynamic,  but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Juana: The great part …. words can’t express how proud I am to see my daughter shine on a daily basis. The hard part …. navigating the peer/colleague relationship, when we’ve only known a mother/daughter relationship.

How do you choose which products to feature?

We ask ourselves, “Would I buy this?”

What are your go-to motivational quotes and/or personal mottos?

Blair: Use what you got to get what you want.

Juana: Give everything to God in prayer.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Which women inspire you?

Blair: My daughter.

Juana: My mom, my grandmother, my aunt, and Michelle Obama.

What has been the most rewarding thing since starting out?

Even though we were experiencing a pandemic, and protests for racial justice, we were still able to launch on June 1st. That date was symbolic as the day that is post May 31, 1921. Not only did we successfully launch on our target date amidst unprecedented chaos in the world, but our opening week sales were way beyond our expectations.

How do you overcome moments of self-doubt?

Blair: I take a beat, look at my babies, and get back to work. 

Juana: I tell myself, I’m not the first person, nor the last, who will face this, I can do this.

Courtesy of Post 21.

Courtesy of Post 21.

How do you handle situations where you feel overwhelmed?

Blair: Again I take a beat, and remember too many things have aligned perfectly, this is exactly where I’m supposed to be, I can handle this. 

Juana: I quiet myself, and pray.

What advice would you give to other women trying to enter your field?

Blair: Know exactly why you are doing it.

Juana: Becoming an entrepreneur takes an incredible amount of research, resilience, and determination, but you must take moments to rest.

What are some of your goals moving forward for Post 21?

Long-term: Post 21 becomes a household name as a retailer for things you want in your life, or you want to give others. 

Short-term: Extend our offering to make each product category more well rounded. More targeted marketing.

This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.

Sarah Fielding